KMSAuto Pro v1.16 EN

Unknown // Wednesday

KMSAuto Pro v1.16 EN
KMSAuto Pro v1.16   EN 
By Ratiborus


KMSAuto Pro - the automatic KMS activator for operating systems
• Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012 and also for
• Office 2010, 2013 VL edition.
It is based on KMS Server Build CZ March 14 2013 from CODYQX4 (MDL).

Operation with the program:
Run file KMSAuto Pro.exe as Administrator and use the interface.

Additional program startup parameters (keys):
/win=act - Run program in hidden mode, activate Windows, and close program
/off=act - Run program in hidden mode, activate Office products, and close program
/log=yes - Run program in hidden mode, create file "ActStatus.log", and close program
/key=yes - Run program in hidden mode, set Windows key and exit.
/task=yes - Run program in hidden mode, create Task Scheduler's task for activating
the Windows and Office each 25 days and exit.
/taskrun=yes - Run program in hidden mode, execute ask Scheduler's task for activating
the Windows and Office and exit.
 Activation will be performed using set on tab "Settings" parameters.

For operation of the program the .NET Framework 4.5 is required
Maybe need to add the file KMSES.exe in exceptions of your Antivirus for normal
operation of the program!!!
Or dissable the Antivirus for the period of activation.
Ratiborus, Evgeny972

+ Added automatic GVLK installation
+ Added some additional functions.
Name: KMSAuto_Pro_v1.16_Portable_EN.rar
Size:  293 KB
MD5: 8627A12B1BA82CD352E4BED6EA1D2D5A
SHA-1: CC87594E47C574661F3004C60F6B78721BDEA0EA

KMSAuto Pro v1.16   EN 
By Ratiborus

Edited by november_ra1n

KMSAuto Pro v1.16 EN